Justice for Families Program

Program Overview


Justice for Families Program

VAWA 2013 authorized the Grants to Support Families in the Justice System Program (Justice for Families or JFF Program), which consolidated two pre-existing VAWA-funded programs: the Court Training and Improvements Program (Courts Program), and the Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Program (Supervised Visitation Program), and added new purpose areas as well.

Justice for Families grantees seek to improve the response of the civil and criminal justice system to families with a history of domestic/sexual violence or child sexual abuse. JFF grantees do this by promoting the development of supervised visitation and exchange centers, improving civil and criminal court responses to victims of domestic/sexual violence, and training court-based and court-related personnel on sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. The last grants made under the Courts and Supervised Visitation programs were awarded in FY 2013.

Progress Reporting Update

January – June 2024 Period

As before, Justice for Families Program grantees will report their progress using a fillable PDF form that can be downloaded from this website (click on “Reporting form” below). Please submit the completed form as an attachment in your JustGrants account by the July 30, 2024, deadline. For guidance on how to do that, please see the JustGrants website’s Training: Performance Reporting page.

Reporting Tools