Exciting Changes to Performance Reporting are Coming!

In 2025, OVW, in collaboration with MEI, will launch the Indicators * Measurements * Performance * Achievements * Challenges * Technical Assistance Tool (IMPACT Tool). The IMPACT Tool is a web-based tool that all OVW Discretionary grantees and Formula Subgrantees will use to prepare their performance data for submission to OVW. Its purpose is to simplify reporting and alleviate burden on grantees while generating better, timely, and more accurate information on how grantees use their funds.

Discretionary Programs

Discretionary grantees will be required to use the VAWA IMPACT Tool to complete their July to December 2024 performance report. Due to this change in the performance reporting process, the due date for submitting July to December 2024 performance data into JustGrants will be extended two months from January 30, 2025, to March 31, 2025. Grantees will be able to access the VAWA IMPACT Tool by March 3, 2025.

If you are a Discretionary grantee who is also a STOP or SASP Formula subgrantee you may have already used the Tool. Formula subgrantees completed their calendar year 2023 subgrantee performance reports in the IMPACT Tool earlier this year.

In early 2025, VAWA MEI will provide multiple training opportunities to orient Discretionary grantees to this reporting process including live webinars, training videos, and ongoing technical assistance via phone (1-800-922-8292), email (vawamei@maine.edu), and video.

Access IMPACT Tool FAQs for Discretionary Grantees and your program-specific page to learn more!

Formula Programs

Formula Administrators are required to submit subgrantee data directly to VAWA MEI via the VAWA IMPACT Tool. Calendar year 2024 subgrantee data will be due March 30, 2025. VAWA MEI will notify Formula Administrators when the VAWA IMPACT Tool is ready for 2024 subgrantee data collection.

For calendar year 2024 data, Administrators will need to download their Administrator’s PDF form from this website and submit their completed form as an attachment in JustGrants by March 30, 2025.

In early 2025, VAWA MEI will provide multiple training opportunities to orient Formula State Administrators the reporting process including live webinars and ongoing technical assistance via phone (1-800-922-8292), email (vawamei@maine.edu), and video. 

Access IMPACT Tool FAQs for Formula State Administrators and your program-specific page to learn more!


Questions? Reach out to VAWA MEI at 1-800-922-8292 or vawamei@maine.edu