Tools & Resources Abuse in Later Life Program Abuse in Later Life Reporting Form

Abuse in Later Life Reporting Form

Download this form to complete your progress report. Be sure to save a copy to your desktop before entering data.

Please click the VIEW FORM (PDF) button above to view and download the form for the January – June 2024 progress reporting period.

If you need the forms for previous reporting periods, or if you are preparing your final close-out report, please scroll down to the bottom of this page for directions and links.

OVW grant recipients are statutorily required to report on grant-funded activities every six months. Data reported on semi-annual progress reports help OVW monitor funded projects and illustrate grant program accomplishments.  Please follow the steps below to complete and submit your progress report.

Steps to download, use and submit form (please also see video below):

  1. Click the “View PDF Form” button above and then save the form to your desktop.
  2. Close all internet browsers.
  3. Open your computer’s Adobe Acrobat Reader DC program.*
  4. With Adobe Reader DC open, go to “File,” select “Open,” and choose the fillable reporting form you saved to your desktop.
  5. Complete the form.  (If you need  to stop before you’re done, just save and close the form. To resume your work on it, just repeat steps 3 and 4 above.)
  6. Check the report by clicking the “Validate” button at the end of the form.
  7. Upload the validated form as an attachment in JustGrants.  For guidance on how to do that, please see the JustGrants website’s Training: Performance Reporting page.
    * If you need the current version of Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, please visit Adobe’s Get Reader page.

E-Learning Video: Using the Form

VAWA MEI JD2020 Learning Series: Using the Form (duration: 3:05) transcript

If you need a form for previous periods:

For reporting forms for previous periods, please click on the appropriate link below.

If you’re closing out your grant award:

When you are ready to complete the closeout report, please use the regular semi-annual progress reporting form for that reporting period. Only report on grant-funded activities that occurred during the six-month reporting period. Do not report data for the entire life of the grant, or aggregated data, in the final report.

Content revision date: 4/10/2024