Tools & Resources Tribal Governments Program Tribal Governments Reporting Form Instructions

Tribal Governments Reporting Form Instructions

View program-specific reporting form instructions for more in-depth guidance on how to report grant-funded activities on the progress report.

OVW grant recipients are statutorily required to report on grant-funded activities every six months. Data reported on semi-annual progress reports help OVW monitor funded projects and illustrate grant program accomplishments.

Please note: For the January to June 2024 reporting period, Tribal Government grantees will be using a newly updated progress reporting form. To see the June 2024 Webinar presentation slides on the progress reporting form updates and changes, click Tribal Governments Webinar June 2024 presentation slides.

Instructions give detailed information and examples to help grantees understand what information to report in each question on the progress reporting form.

Content revision date: 5/22/2024