Webinars Webinar: Calculating FTEs

Webinar: Calculating FTEs

Tallying staff FTEs can be tricky. Join VAWA MEI trainers as we review how to complete the Staff Information section of your semi-annual performance report. This one-hour webinar will review the basics and show you a few tips to make the job easier. Please note: This webinar is intended for all discretionary programs.

  • July 10, 2024
  • 2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. ET

Register Today!

TA2TA is handling the registration for this webinar.  Please go to this Zoom link for the Calculating FTEs webinar to register.  Thank you!


A webinar is an online seminar and requires internet access to connect. This webinar will be conducted on Zoom, in listen-only mode. There are two ways to listen. You will be prompted to either connect to the audio with your computer/device speaker or by dialing in on your phone.

Confirmation message:  After you register, you will receive a confirmation message from Zoom.

Questions? Contact us at vawamei@maine.edu